Rancho Library Program Aids Vets
Jan 13, 2016 12:00AM ● By Story and photos by Susan Maxwell Skinner
War stories. Campaigners meet at a new veteran resource station at Rancho Cordova Library. They are Bill Mattingly (left), Robert Pacholik, Gary Parker, Richard Carpenter, and Clyde Russell. Russell (86) enlisted at 14 to serve in WWII. A free copy of the California Veterans Resource Book (right) is offered to station customers.
A veteran resource station will soon boost services offered by Rancho Cordova Public Library. Opening on Jan. 29th, the facility will assist veterans and their families to connect with their benefits.
“We’ll help them fill out forms,” pledged library Branch Manager Jill Stockinger. “We’ll let them access their VA records by computer; we’ll refer them to help if they’re in crisis or needing food and shelter. This service is much needed in Rancho Cordova. We have many residents who fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Middle East wars. We also have hundreds of homeless veterans here and in surrounding areas. Some don’t know how to get their benefits. They served us, now we can serve them.”
The Veterans Connect @ the Library program has established 28 similar outposts in California. Joining Sacramento Central and Southgate Libraries, Rancho Cordova hosts the third Sacramento center. Organizers are inviting veterans to attend the Jan. 29the kick-off event, which will feature speakers, music, free refreshments, and free advice. After opening, the station will operate at least three days a week. Veterans and non-veterans of any age are sought as station helpers. Online volunteer training is provided at the library; a commitment of at least two hours per week is requested.
The program is funded by a Library Services and Technology Act grant, administered through California State Library in partnership with the California Department of Veterans Affairs.
Rancho Cordova Library is located at 9845 Folsom Boulevard. For information, visit www.saclibrary.org or call (916) 264-2920.