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Citrus Heights Messenger

Community Invited to Participate in Multi Modal Transportation Safety Program

Sep 11, 2019 12:00AM ● By By Michelle Parker, City of Citrus Heights

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - The City of Citrus Heights is working to make roads in our community safer for everyone who uses them, with the goal of making sure our neighborhoods are safe places to walk, drive, bike and roll. The Multi Modal Transportation Safety Program (MMTSP), funded by a Caltrans Sustainable Communities grant, will update and improve the way the city addresses traffic and safety concerns raised by residents. This program will:

Develop a clear and transparent process for addressing complaints, identifying the best way to fix the issue, and outlining when and how changes will be made;

Develop a catalog of safety measures to address specific types of problems including guidelines for how to best apply different safety measures;

Develop a way to prioritize citizen requests to address speeding, cut"through traffic, and other safety issues in their neighborhoods;

Package the above features into a “tool” that allows the city to quickly respond to citizen requests and track the status of requests anywhere in the process;

Provide Citrus Heights residents tools and strategies to promote safety in their neighborhoods;

The MMTSP includes a robust community involvement component, including active participation by Neighborhood Champions.

Neighborhood Champions are community volunteers interested in contributing to multimodal safety throughout the city in an active capacity. Champions will pay an important role in developing the program, including: 

Communicating the program goals and progress to their neighbors and soliciting participation in the program’s community"based activities;

Attending training and leading “WALKshops” with residents to highlight safety issues and safety improvements;

Assisting the city in leading community workshops to develop the citizen request program;

Interested residents can watch the project information video and download the Neighborhood Champion interest form from the project website. #RoadsForAllModes

To learn more about the project, visit . Questions about the community open house and/or the project can be directed to [email protected]