Veterans Appreciation Picnic Celebrates a Decade of Support
Sep 11, 2019 12:00AM ● By By Elise Spleiss
Robert Snyder, Honored Guest (center) with fiance Dona Kay and volunteers Keni Kuhney and Daleia Acevedo. Photo by Susan Kuhney
CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - A decade has passed since the first Citrus Heights Annual Appreciation and Resource Picnic honoring area retired and active duty military and their families.
This year’s event was sponsored by American Legion Post 637 with assistance from members of the GFWC Citrus Heights Women’s Club, and other organizations and individuals. Immediate Past Post Commander Paul Reyes represented newly elected Post Commander Sylvia Thweatt as Master of Ceremonies.
Attendees enjoyed the music of the Citrus Heights Community Marching Band and local DJ Carlos Verette. Wild Wade’s traditional barbeque lunch and children’s activities are a picnic staple. Local and area dignitaries greeted all.
Dozens of services and resources for attendees were provided, along with the highly anticipated donated raffle prizes.
At a young 85 years, the picnic’s Guest of Honor Robert Snyder told attendees he still misses the service. After enlisting in the U.S. Navy at 17 years he served in Korea operating a rocket launcher. In Vietnam, from 1969 to 1970 he fought the war from riverboats patrolling the rivers of South Vietnam. After 22 years, 18 of those at sea, Snyder retired from the Navy as an E6 on the USS Enterprise.
But Snyder was not through serving his country. His “next life” was working for the Department of the Army for 23 years. For eight of those years he worked at the Sacramento Army Depot developing training for members of Operation Desert Storm and Desert Shield.
Snyder continues to be a resource and mentor for all veterans. He owns and operates an antique store, the Curiosity Shoppe in Folsom. He and his fiancé, Dona Kay, an artist, will be married on September 21.
The 2019 American Legion Police Officer of the Year award was presented to K9 Officer Kyle Shoberg for his outstanding service to the Citrus Heights Police Department (CHDP) and his community in the many positions he has held since his hiring in 2010. These include Patrol, Narcotics, SWAT, Special Incidents, and since 2014, a K9 handler and trainer. He is known as a leader and mentor, working in the community and within his own department to improve the quality of life for all.
Following Shoberg’s award, he and fellow officers and their K9s treated picnic attendees to a fast-moving demonstration showing how their motto “Paws Before Boots” plays out when a highly trained K9 can take down and apprehend a suspect quicker and safer than sending an officer into a situation solo. Case in point: Shoberg’s K9 Axel is credited with saving the life of his handler and other officers at a shoot-out with an armed suspect at the Citrus Heights Sunrise Mall on July 9. The suspect shot twice at Alex, missing him, which gave officers time to quickly bring the incident to an end.