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Citrus Heights Messenger

Cancelled Culture

Mar 17, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Paul Scholl

Human nature is obvious in every crisis, real or unreal. Rising above our basic human nature is what they call Humanity. Photo by Richard Burlton

Cancelled Culture [2 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) – The Wuhan Coronavirus has been taking its toll on society, one grocery store at a time. People are panicking and raiding the shelves of most stores of basic essentials. People are loading up on toilet paper and water. Is anybody buying out all the vitamins and dietary supplements? Has there been a raid on fresh fruit and vegetables?

The virus is a serious matter to be sure, and precautions surely must be adhered to. But cancelling an entire society and giving up all control of your lives to the government?

Events started cancelling last week. Cancelled are all local events and programs presented by chambers of commerce, arts and entertainment groups, major and minor league sports teams, little league games and all high school sports, church functions,  fundraisers, you name it. Our culture gets cancelled.

The economic backlash is going to be a big one, but get ready to pay those taxes. Maybe the government can cancel this year’s tax liabilities for all Americans? No, but they offer small businesses a tax credit that will never be realized before they go out of business altogether.

During the Black Plague (bubonic plague) in 1347, which also saw its first recorded case in China in 224 B.C.E., the primary cure was fresh water, fresh air and improved diet. Today, we are seeing a rise in that disease in Los Angeles prior to the Wuhan Coronavirus. And no one says a thing.

In a radio interview on Coast to Coast from August 12, 2009, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explained what was happening in the medical field surrounding the Swine Flu of 2009 and preparations from the government. She outlines what happened with the Bird Flu in 2006 and the mass planning for future virus outbreaks and the looming government control. If you listen to the entire interview, you will hear exactly what is happening today, predicted almost 11 years ago. Will the government force vaccinations for the Wuhan Virus?

What can you do? Do what your parents told you when you were growing up. Wash your hands, often. Go to bed early and get good sleep. Eat your vegetables and don’t feed them to the dog under the table when your parents aren’t looking. Don’t eat too much sugar. Stop watching so much television. Be nice to everyone and share what you have with those who need help. Pray for those you love. Be thankful and show gratitude. Don’t be a jerk.

Support any local business that you can. Buy local. Order some take out from your local restaurants. Even a little cash flow will help some businesses weather this storm.

Human nature is obvious in every crisis, real or unreal. Rising above our basic human nature is what they call Humanity. It is time to care about each other and be fully “Human.”