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Citrus Heights Messenger

Statement by Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara on Federal Supplemental Stimulus Bill

Mar 30, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Ricardo Lara, California Department of Insurance

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued the following statement on the passing of the federal supplemental stimulus bill:                     

“The health impact, financial loss, and economic pain felt by countless families, workers, and businesses across California due to the coronavirus pandemic has been incredibly destructive on the state’s economy and financial infrastructure. Today’s passing of the federal stimulus bill will bring critical relief to millions of California families, workers, and business owners who have been devastated by the COVID-19 crisis.

“In the coming days and weeks, as more small businesses and their employees suffer the financial sting of lost revenues and massive unemployment, it’s critical that the insurance industry engages with our Department and state’s businesses on creative solutions to help them survive the extraordinary challenge we face together as Californians. The scope and magnitude of this crisis will require that we all work together to support our workers and small business community. Collectively, we must find a way forward and move California back toward recovery.”