Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce Announces Interim Executive Director
Apr 30, 2020 12:00AM ● By Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce Special Release
Diane Ebbitt-Riehle
CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - The Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Diane Ebbitt-Riehle has been hired as the Interim Executive Director. Until the Covid-19 crisis resolves, she will be working remotely utilizing Zoom meetings and teleconferencing to engage with the Board of Directors and Chamber members. Diane is excited at the prospect of moving into her new office at the Sunrise Mall when businesses are able to reopen.
She will actively engage with the Chamber membership and make certain that Chamber members get a great value for their investment in their Chamber membership. Her goals include an active communications campaign to ensure members know that the Chamber is working for them. While sharing information with the membership and coordinating events, she will encourage members to let her know what the Chamber can do to benefit their business.
Diane will actively engage with a variety of local business leaders. Open lines of communication with our local business community will ensure that great emphasis is placed on economic recovery as we return to a sense of normalcy following this pandemic. Looking forward, the Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce will play an active role as decisions are made that will shape the future of our community for generations to come.
Diane’s experiences make her an excellent choice for our Interim Executive Director. She has served on the Chamber Board for many years. She was “Ambassador of the Year” in 2004, “Business Person of the Year” in 2006, and Chamber Board President in 2008. She was founder of “The Best of Citrus Heights Chamber” and served on the Economic Development Committee. Additionally, she was a part of the team that created the Auburn Boulevard Business Association (ABBA).
Outside of the Chamber, Diane is an active Rotarian. She served as Rotary Club President 2007-2008 and is now serving as the Club Secretary. Diane is a Board member of the Citrus Heights Homeless Assistance Resource Team (HART) and was the coordinator of the Citrus Heights Police Activities League (PAL). As a Police Department Volunteer, she helps in the transportation of animals that are located throughout the community and deemed “homeless” when they are unable to be reunited with their owners. Diane and her husband Ray live in Orangevale with their two dogs, two miniature horses, two geese, and nine chickens. Please join us in welcoming Diane Ebbit-Riehle to our Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce team!