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Citrus Heights Messenger

Fireworks Enforcement Plan

Jul 01, 2020 12:00AM ● By Story by Shaunna Boyd

CHPD is posting information on their social media pages to educate the public about the use of "safe and sane"

Fireworks Enforcement Plan [2 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) -With the Fourth of July holiday approaching, Citrus Heights Police Department (CHPD) Lieutenant Kris Frey updated the Citrus Heights City Council about the department’s 2020 Fireworks Enforcement Plan on June 25th. “Understandably, our community is wanting to enjoy this holiday weekend after experiencing months of being sheltered in their homes due to COVID-19. The main focus of our plan this year is to make sure that the community, while they’re out, is remaining safe. And we still want to make sure that they’re taking the necessary precautions, to include safe distancing while they’re experiencing their holiday events,” said Lt. Frey. “Our mission this year with the enforcement plan is to provide additional resources in order to identify and deter the use of illegal fireworks.”

The CHPD has planned a proactive approach. They compiled data from the last three years to determine the times with highest volume of illegal fireworks reports on July 3 and 4, so that teams can be prepared during peak hours. There will also be a particular focus on locations that are typical problem areas.

Officers will undergo additional training to educate them about the laws regarding illegal fireworks. On July 3 and 4, multiple fireworks enforcement teams will be deployed throughout the city, the drone team will be utilized, and CHPD will partner with Sac Metro Fire to deploy arson investigators.

Lt. Frey said that most of the illegal fireworks in the city come into California from neighboring states. Legal fireworks can be purchased from 21 “safe and sane” firework stands that have been given permits in the city. The stands opened on July 28 and will remain open until July 5. Fireworks can be purchased from noon to 10:00 PM — the same time period that the fireworks can be legally set off.

CHPD is posting information on their social media pages to educate the public about the use of “safe and sane” fireworks and to request citizens report illegal fireworks. Residents can call the non-emergency number (916-727-5500) to report an address where illegal fireworks are being used; if residents know of a specific address where illegal fireworks are frequently used, they can report it to the crime tip line (916-727-5524).