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Citrus Heights Messenger

The Sacramento County Tax Increase Has Been Killed!

Jul 15, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Sacramento County Supervisor Sue Frost


Over the past several months I have been communicating with you about a half cent sales tax increase that was being planned to go onto the ballot in November to pay for transportation, and I have been asking for your help in making public comments so your voice can be heard. You responded with over a thousand e-mails, and over one hundred phone calls.

Throughout this process, I have been opposed to the tax increase because it was not going to put enough money into actually fixing the roads, and because I strongly feel that we should not be imposing a tax increase during a global pandemic.

That's why I am pleased to announce that earlier today, the Sacramento Transportation Authority formally voted to kill the tax increase based on my motion.

I am extremely grateful to those of who you took the time to write and call the Board to let us know your thoughts, you truly made a difference by helping let the Board know how much opposition there really is to tax increases right now.  

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!




Sue Frost
Sacramento County Supervisor, District 4