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Citrus Heights Messenger

San Juan Unified Announces Classified Employees of the Year

Feb 24, 2021 12:00AM ● By SJUSD Press Release

Jennifer Martinez - Instructional Assistant III, Greer Elementary Photo: SJUSD

San Juan Unified Announces Classified Employees of the Year [2 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - San Juan Unified has just honored five Classified Employees of the Year, surprising each employee at their site with balloons, flowers and a certificate. The 2021 Classified Employees of the Year are:

Deana Hegland - Instructional Assistant II, Greer Elementary
As an IA for over a decade, Hegland has learned to become what Greer administrators call a “warm demander.” This means she has developed structured routines, has clarity for learning targets for each student and builds on individual strengths and interests so that they each have a strong confidence.

One project that Hegland led that was “above and beyond” was to coordinate a harvest event for kindergarteners when the site was unable to get a bus for the annual pumpkin patch field trip. Hegland reached out to her 4H connections and built an event that included a petting zoo, a pumpkin for each student, face painting and games.

Jennifer Martinez - Instructional Assistant III, Greer Elementary 
Martinez is being recognized for her ability to build trusting relationships with her students and their parents. Working with special education students, she has been able to help break down barriers for students that have autism, ADHD, mental health challenges and learning disabilities, and help them move from defensive to focused to reach academic success.

“She works with the most upset and agitated students in a calm and supportive manner. Instead of engaging in a power struggle, she listens to them, seeks to understand why they are upset and helps them to solve the problem they are facing,” the nomination states. 

Aleksandr Melnichuck - Lead Custodian, Cowan Fundamental Elementary
Like all of San Juan Unfiied’s lead custodians, Melinchuck is known at Cowan for being reliable, punctual and for paying close attention to detail for daily tasks. Cowan Principal Millie Happoldt nominated him for Classified Employee of the Year for the help he provides.

Along with being a skilled craftsman – one example is building a rolling storage shelf to fit under the multipurpose stage – Milinchuck has dedicated some softer skills as well.

“He will make time to assist a parent, student or family in need of help translations from Ukrainian to English,” Happpoldt wrote. “Aleks has an empathetic heart and will reach to console a student that is having a rough day. He can even be seen on occasion shooting hoops of basketball with a student to get them to smile again.”

Deana Lacey - Clerk, Deterding Elementary
Lacey was nominated by her site because of her ability to brighten a room and her willingness to pitch in on any task, especially during a hiring freeze where Deterding was without a secretary or ICT. One of the big projects she took on was the library checkout system for students to pick up books every Monday.

“She is amazing to watch as she multitasks between phone calls, teacher tech requests, parent needs and sick children,” Fifth Grade Teacher Gretchen Johnson wrote in the nomination. “She knows every student and the majority of the parents, and her school involvement doesn't stop at the end of the working day. She is always seen at every school function, helping before and after events, in every way.

Beverly Stover - Nutrition Services Worker II, Marvin Marshall
Nominated by her colleague Jennifer Stroud, Stover is credited for having a mentor role in nutrition services for the Early Childhood Education program. 

“She always makes sure I understand what she is teaching me and always makes me feel valued and appreciated,” Stroud wrote. “She also is a great listener and actually asks for my feedback. Bev always has great ideas and is always willing to help in any way possible.  She always has great ideas to improve her site and do things in a more efficient way.”

Stover is also credited for ensuring all Marvin Marshall students received meals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Congratulations to all five Classified Employees of the Year!