Mira Loma Grad Named as Finalist for National Youth Poet Laureate
Mar 04, 2021 12:00AM ● By SJUSD Press Release
Alexandra Huynh is named the Youth Poet Laureate Western Ambassador. Photo: SJUSD
SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - Mira Loma High School graduate Alexandra Huynh has advanced to the National Youth Poet Laureate Program as a finalist after recently being named the Youth Poet Laureate Western Ambassador in regional competition.
The National Youth Poet Laureate position has come into prominence since Amanda Gorman, who previously held the title, performed a riveting poem at the presidential inauguration in January.
According to the Sacramento Area Youth Speaks (SAYS), Hunyh “is a 2020 Sacramento Youth Poet Laureate, a program supported by Sacramento Area Youth Speaks. As a second-generation, Vietnamese-American woman, Alexandra employs poetry as a tool of self-realization and social justice for marginalized communities. She will attend Stanford University next fall, where she aims to combine her passions for chemistry, creative writing, and civic engagement. Alex is also a recent graduate of Mira Loma High School in the San Juan Unified School District, a critical SAYS stakeholder for the last five years.”
Hunyh will attend Stanford University in the fall.