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Citrus Heights Messenger

San Juan Unified Issues Reduced Delay for COVID-19

Mar 10, 2021 12:00AM ● By San Juan Unified Press Release

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - More progress in Sacramento County’s steady march to the red tier of the state’s COVID-19 risk assessment with the adjusted case rate falling to 12 per 100,000 residents and the testing positivity rate, adjusted for equity, at 6.6 percent. This puts the testing positivity marker in the range needed for the County to advance to the red tier once case rates fall further.

San Juan Unified announces reduced delay once red tier reached and sets April 5 as latest date to return grades TK-6 to in-person learning

This week, district officials announced that a new agreement had been reached with the San Juan Teachers Association providing for the option to return to in-person learning in a hybrid format for all grade levels once Sacramento County has been in the red tier for five days. A previous agreement had provided for a 14-day waiting period in the red tier in alignment with health guidance in effect when the prior agreement was made. The new agreement also sets April 5 as the date for grades TK through 5 and self-contained 6th grade classrooms to offer the option to return to in-person learning. Early childhood education programs will offer a return to in-person learning no later than April 12. 

Students in 6th grade classrooms at K-8 schools and middle schools that switch classes throughout the day cannot be offered the option to return to in-person learning until Sacramento County is in the red tier.

According to the new update:

If Sacramento County enters the Red Tier on March 16, then Early Childhood Education (infant/toddler and preschool) return to in person on… April 5; K-5 and Self-Contained 6th grade return to in-person on… March 22; and Departmentalized 6th Grade, Grades 7-12 and Special Education Centers return to in-person on… March 22.

If Sacramento County enters the Red Tier on March 23, then Early Childhood Education (infant/toddler and preschool) return to in person on… April 12; K-5 and Self-Contained 6th grade return to in-person on… April 5; and Departmentalized 6th Grade, Grades 7-12 and Special Education Centers return to in-person on… April 5.

If Sacramento County enters the Red Tier on March 30, then Early Childhood Education (infant/toddler and preschool) return to in person on… April 12; K-5 and Self-Contained 6th grade return to in-person on… April 5; and Departmentalized 6th Grade, Grades 7-12 and Special Education Centers return to in-person on… April 12.

If Sacramento County enters the Red Tier on April 6, then Early Childhood Education (infant/toddler and preschool) return to in person on… April 12; K-5 and Self-Contained 6th grade return to in-person on… April 5; and Departmentalized 6th Grade, Grades 7-12 and Special Education Centers return to in-person on… April 12.

If Sacramento County enters the Red Tier ANYTIME AFTER April 6, then Early Childhood Education (infant/toddler and preschool) return to in person on… April 12; K-5 and Self-Contained 6th grade return to in-person on… April 5; and Departmentalized 6th Grade, Grades 7-12 and Special Education Centers return to in-person on… 5 days after County enters Red Tier.

State announces changes to when counties can reach the red tier

The state’s COVID-19 risk assessment system places each county on a colored tier based on their COVID-19 case rate per 100,000 residents and the testing positivity rate. To reach the red tier, counties currently must have fewer than 7 cases per 100,000 residents and a testing positivity rate less than 8.0 percent.

On Wednesday, March 3, Governor Gavin Newsom announced plans to adjust the case rate requirements for the red tier once the state has been able to provide 2 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to residents in the state’s most disadvantaged zip codes. Once that marker has been reached, expected in the coming weeks, counties will only need to have a case rate of 10 per 100,000 or less to move to the red tier if they also meet the testing positivity requirement of 8 percent or less. 

This development could potentially speed up when Sacramento County reaches the red tier. District staff will continue to monitor developments. 

Vaccinations continue at strong pace

San Juan Unified hosted a second COVID-19 vaccination clinic in partnership with Dignity Health, UC Davis Health, and Sacramento County Public Health last weekend. Approximately 2,700 individuals were able to receive their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at the event with the majority of those being educators. 

Unfortunately, vaccine supplies are not available to offer a third clinic this weekend. Additional events will be held as supplies allow. 

Football, water polo, baseball and more set to play

With the COVID-19 case rate falling below 14 per 100,000 residents in Sacramento County, additional sports are now authorized to not only engage in conditioning and practices but also competitions. 

Sports considered outdoor high contact sports (football and water polo) require weekly COVID-19 testing of all student athletes and coaches. The district will be providing this testing at no cost to help ensure the safety of our student athletes and coaches. 

Following state health directives to maintain physical distancing efforts, only a limited number of immediate family members will be allowed in attendance at athletic events.