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Citrus Heights Messenger

Citrus Heights City Manager Announces Retirement

May 07, 2021 12:00AM ● By City of Citrus Heights

Citrus Heights City Manager, Chris Boyd

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - Citrus Heights City Manager Christopher Boyd will retire from his long-standing community service career on May 11, 2021, following advanced notice given to City Council and the Mayor.

“For quite a while now, I have been contemplating my next chapter,” said Boyd. “After 31 years of public service, I have decided it is time for me to focus on my family, so that my wife and I can enjoy the few short years we have left with our teenage sons before they are grown.”

Boyd began serving the City of Citrus Heights as the community’s first Chief of Police, a role he held from 2005 to 2016. As Chief, Boyd built an award-winning police department from the ground up – recruiting, training, organizing, and working closely with the community. “It is an honor to carry on the culture of excellence and compassion City Manager Boyd established here at the Citrus Heights Police Department,” said current Police Chief Ron Lawrence. “The trust our men and women in blue have built with this community, along with the quality service Citrus Heights residents have come to expect from us, has stemmed from his leadership. We wish him all the best in his retirement, and we know he will remain an advocate for this community.”  

In 2016, Boyd was asked by Council to continue his service as City Manager. During his five years in this pivotal leadership role, the City has undertaken sizeable economic development projects including the Sunrise Mall Specific Plan, pushed forward revitalization efforts of the Auburn Blvd., corridor which was recently awarded $9 million in grant funding, realigned staffing for significant cost-savings, and more.

“Convincing Chris to move from Chief of Police to City Manager was one of the best things our Council has done for the City,” said Mayor Steve Miller. “He came into the position with a looming budget shortfall and has met so many of our City’s goals despite that challenge. Thanks to his leadership we have weathered a pandemic while keeping all our City service lines open, launched economic development plans to secure a bright future for our City, and undertaken massive efforts to balance our budget and remain committed to fiscal prudence. ‘Thank you’ just does not seem like enough.”

“Under his management, our City is now running more efficiently without sacrificing the customer service and responsiveness that our residents deserve,” said Vice Mayor Porsche Middleton. “Chris’ vast understanding of the complexities of running a City has time and again impressed Council and leaders throughout the State. Citrus Heights has been so lucky to have his expert guidance for 16 years and he is leaving behind big shoes to fill.”

At the May 13, 2021 City Council meeting, Council will consider hiring an interim City Manager while launching an immediate recruitment.

“My time serving Citrus Heights has been so rewarding thanks to this unique, self-reliant community, and its dedicated civil servants,” said Boyd. “My family has forged life-long connections with so many of our officers and City staff, and I know we will stay connected to the community throughout my retirement.”