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Citrus Heights Messenger

Board Approves Law Enforcement Review Commission

May 12, 2021 12:00AM ● By Sacramento County News Release

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously approved the resolution for the formation of a Community Review Commission that will work with Sacramento County’s Inspector General Mark Evenson to improve accountability related to investigations of the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department. 

“This commission is the result of extensive public input and careful work by County staff,” said Supervisor Patrick Kennedy, Second District, who brought the item forward. “The commission will improve public transparency and will offer the public greater interaction and communication with the Office of the Inspector General.”

The approval of the resolution comes after two previous Board items this year related to the establishment of a commission. At its Feb. 9 meeting, the Board heard from members of the public and discussed a draft proposed framework for the creation of a Community Review Commission. At its March 23 meeting, the Board received additional input on a revised draft framework with input from multiple community organizations and interested parties and directed staff to return with a resolution establishing the Commission. 

The volunteer commission will have 11 members. Two will be appointed by each member of the Board of Supervisors and one will be a member of county staff appointed by the County Executive. 

The rules of conduct for the commission, including how the power of subpoena is administered, will be developed by Evenson and two members of the Board of Supervisors, with guidance from County Counsel. Finalized rules and regulations will be presented to the Community Review Commission for approval.

Commission members are required to undergo orientation on law enforcement policies and procedures prior to serving.