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Citrus Heights Messenger

Back in Business for ALA 383

Jun 09, 2021 12:00AM ● By By Elise Spleiss

Saint Andrews Society of Sacramento's all Scottish members meet monthly for a good meal before their board meeting. Members are also members of the Scottish American Military Society (SAMS), a military service organization. Left to right: Travis Chatters, Tom Melton, Jim Morgan, Ed Moore, Chuck Meng, Bruce Locken, Doug Walters. Photo by Elise Spleiss

Back in Business for ALA 383 [4 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

FAIR OAKS, CA (MPG) - Life is slowly returning to VFW Post 6158 on Kruitof Lane in Fair Oaks after a year-long closure due to COVID-19. American Legion Post 383 and American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 383 meet at this facility.

In addition to the comradery and fellowship once again being enjoyed by local veterans, two long overdue activities at the post came together again on May 17.

Monday night fundraiser dinners provided by American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit 383 members resumed, along with the unit’s mentorship of their delegate for the 2021 annual summer Girl’s State virtual leadership and citizenship program.  

Tomorrow’s leaders are being trained today. The 78th Session of the California ALA Girls State will take place the end of June.

Ava Brown, a junior at Folsom High School was selected and is being sponsored by this unit for the week-long virtual ‘hands on’ experience. Participation is highly competitive. Brown was chosen from 13 applicants at Folsom High.

Hundreds of delegates from all 50 states will get real life experience, as well as can be done via Zoom, learning about all aspects of American government. Participants are assigned to a county, then a city, both named after women in California history. Each runs her own campaign to get elected to positions on the county-wide level to the California Supreme Court. One of the goals is for participants to realize how they, as an individual, can make a difference.

On this evening, Brown, along with three Folsom High volunteers helped with the dinner, working on registration, and preparing and serving meals to members of the post and other guests.

Another group which meets at the post is Saint Andrews (all Scottish) Society of Sacramento. Members meet monthly for a good meal before their board meeting. Their purpose is to encourage Scottish traditions and culture through charitable efforts, social events and much more. Members are also members of the Scottish American Military Society (SAMS), a military service organization.

Following a short break, Brown and her friends helped serve an identical meal to members of the Rotary Club of Fair Oaks prior to their meeting in another part of the post. Hard work is no stranger to these ladies.               

Last year’s Girl’s State delegate, Anna said of her experience, ”I felt proud to represent my high school at Girl’s State last year. Hearing the City Moms and organization heads speak was amazing, in the sense that it felt like a warm community bond was formed in the little time we had.”

Anna added that after talking about community issues with fellow delegates in her city, “It was nice to just talk to the other like-minded delegates who care about their community and our part within them.”

Ava will return to report to her now fellow ALA members on what she learned from her week interacting with other Girl’s State participants.

On Tuesday May 25, ALA 383 members again gathered to honor their loved ones who had died in the line of duty or following their service. In the lovely Memorial Garden members showed a photo of their loved one(s), spoke their name(s), branch of service, and war or wars they had served.  Stories of miracles and heroism were shared. A bell was rung following each name followed by a moment of silence.

At the meeting following the service, Ava Brown was accepted into membership as an ALA Junior Member.

Monday night fundraiser meals take place every 1st and 3rd Monday and are open to the public for a cost of $10.00.  A no-host bar opens at 5:30 p.m. Meals are served at 6:00 p.m. For information or to make a reservation email [email protected].

New members are welcome in the American Legion Auxiliary. For information on requirements email [email protected].