Flag Rally to Support CHPD
Jul 08, 2021 12:00AM ● By By Elise Spleiss
A Placer County Sheriff's Department member gives supporters of LEO a thumbs up. Photo provided by LEO
CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - A flag rally to show support for the officers and staff of the Citrus Heights Police Department will be held on Saturday, July 17, at 10:00 a.m. at the Citrus Heights Police Department at 6315 Fountain Square.
All are invited to participate in this grassroots event to show support for the officers and staff who work every day to protect the residents of Citrus Heights. These words say it all:
“When you come to work after Police Memorial Week and find (your building) covered with blue ribbons and balloons, and this sign greeting you at the back gate…reminds you it is worth it. He does bless us every day. With our safety and these citizens. Thank you, Citrus Heights.”
These words from CHPD Sgt. Shaefer in May echo the appreciation felt by the department for the work a handful of volunteers have been doing to bolster the spirits of their officers.
For almost a year Jacqueline Shields of Citrus Heights has been quietly showing up at the Citrus Heights Police Department with a few friends and leaving behind blue ribbons, balloons and signs with words of encouragement every few months. They maintain and keep a fresh, clean look to the signs and decorations they leave.
With all that had been going on with the riots in other states and the large “defund the police” movement, Shields and her friends want to make a difference.
When asked why more people aren’t helping them, Shields said the officers know many people support them but that many are afraid to come out to help because of the violence that has been going on in other cities following incidents with their police.
Fortunately, this is about to change. Recently John Freer with Law Enforcement Officers (LEO), offered to help Shields with her vision. LEO, established in 2019, is a non-political organization which holds flag rallies for fallen officers and supports other law enforcement entities.
Shields and Freer will be working together to organize flag rallies to help grow support for the police. Members of the Citrus Heights community and supporting organizations are invited to gather at the Citrus Heights Police Department on July 17, at 10 a.m.
Hopefully, the presence of members of LEO will encourage more of those in Citrus Heights who do support their police to show that support more openly.
To contact Jacqueline Shields for more information, go to #SaveOurPolice on Twitter.