Unsecured Property Taxes Due Aug. 31, 2021
Jul 23, 2021 12:00AM ● By Sacramento County Unsecured Tax Unit
Photo courtesy of jarmoluk/Pixabay
If the tax bill is not paid by the delinquency date, a 10 percent penalty and collection cost will be added
SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - Annual bills for Sacramento County unsecured personal property taxes for fiscal year 2021-2022 will be mailing as of July 16, 2021, and are payable without delinquent penalties through Aug. 31, 2021.
Unsecured property tax bills are mailed to all owners of unsecured property in July of each year. If you owned unsecured property in Sacramento County, such as a boat or aircraft, or if you leased or owned fixtures and equipment related to a business on Jan. 1, 2021, and do not receive a tax bill by Aug. 7, 2021, please contact the Sacramento County Tax Collector’s Unsecured Property Tax Unit at (916) 874-7833, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday - Friday excluding holidays.
Nonreceipt of a tax bill does not excuse delinquency or allow the tax collector to cancel penalties or collection costs.
Tax bills become delinquent if not paid in the Tax Collector’s Office by 5 p.m. on Aug. 31, 2021, or received by mail bearing a postmark of Aug. 31, 2021.
If the tax bill is not paid by the delinquency date, a 10 percent penalty and collection cost will be added. DMV registration may be withheld on watercraft if unsecured property taxes are reported delinquent. If a tax bill remains unpaid after Oct. 31, 2021, additional collection costs and monthly penalties at the rate of 1.5 percent will be added to the base tax.
Payments may be made by mail or in person at the County Tax Collector’s Office located at 700 “H” Street, Room 1710, Sacramento, CA 95814, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday - Friday, holidays excluded. For credit/debit or eCheck payments please visit the Sacramento County Property Tax Bill Information System website.