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Citrus Heights Messenger

Understanding Emergency Powers: How They Impact Citizen Rights

Aug 04, 2021 12:00AM ● By Gorilla Learning Institute News Release

Kevin Kiley, Assemblymember 6th Assembly District. Photo: Office of Assemblyman Kevin Kiley; Kevin Snider, Pacific Justice Institute. Courtesy photo; Scott Jones, Sacramento County Sheriff. Photo: Sac Sheriff's Department

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - Gorilla Learning Institute will be hosting an old fashioned Townhall fundraiser to discuss law enforcement during the pandemic, the impact on citizen rights and local government authority, and a discussion on how far reaching government authority is.

Speaking at the event will be Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones, California Assemblyman & Gubernatorial Candidate Kevin Kiley, and Chief Counsel for the Pacific Justice Institute Kevin Snider.

Proceeds from the event will provide education and resources for Citizen Coalitions to promote strength through knowledge.

Location: Family Community Church, 6331 Watt Avenue
Date: Monday, August 16th
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

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