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Citrus Heights Messenger

CHPD Catalytic Converter Etching Deters Thefts

Aug 05, 2021 12:00AM ● By By Thomas J. Sullivan

Auto Technicians etch a serial number based on your vehicle's license plate number. Photo by Thomas J. Sullivan

CHPD Catalytic Converter Etching Deters Thefts [2 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - Duncan’s Automotive and the Citrus Heights Police Department joined forces this past weekend hosting a free catalytic converter etching event on Saturday, July 31 from 10 am to 1 pm.

Some 30 Citrus Heights passenger and sport utility vehicle owners lined up to have mechanics from Duncan’s Automotive etch their license plate number onto the catalytic converters under their vehicles as a theft deterrent. Many of vehicles waiting their turn in line were on the CHPD’s list of those reported most likely to have their catalytic converter stolen.

Catalytic converters are targeted for the precious metals inside them and are often sold to recycling centers that purchase auto parts. Catalytic converters can be stolen from a passenger car, truck or recreational vehicle within minutes and the damages are costly to repair.

High on a hydraulic lift in the garage’s service bay, automotive technicians gave a quick coat of orange spray paint to one of three catalytic converters on the underside of a Chevrolet Suburban truck, before etching each with vehicle’s license plate number. The entire etching process took less than 15 minutes as another vehicle waited its turn.

In the first seven months of 2021, the Citrus Heights Police Department reported 167 catalytic converter thefts, according to Larissa Aguilar, community service officer (CSO) for the CHPD.

“This current theft total is a 69 percent increase from 2020 when 99 catalytic converters were reported stolen during the same time period,” she said.

“Although any vehicle can have its catalytic converter stolen, the top five vehicles in Citrus Heights which have been reported to have had a catalytic converter stolen are: 1) Toyota Prius, 2) Honda Accord, 3) Honda Element, 4) Nissan NV200 van and 5) the Ford F-250 pickup truck,” she said.

“Regionally, law enforcement agencies including the Citrus Heights Police Department have been hosting catalytic converter theft etching events in an effort to combat against catalytic converter theft,” Aguilar said.

Nationally, many auto insurance carriers who have been hit hard with theft claims are encouraging their policy holders to have their vehicle’s catalytic converters etched with an identifiable number to improve their traceability in the event of theft.

“Catalytic converters do not have a serial number and because of this, if one is stolen, it cannot be entered into shared law enforcement systems as stolen which makes it difficult to link back to the original crime it was taken from,” Aguilar said.

“This is why taking advantage of free catalytic converter etching events such as the one we had this past Saturday is so advantageous,” she said.

Aguilar said the Citrus Heights Police Department recommends the following tips to help deter catalytic converter thefts:

If you can, park your vehicle securely in a garage; If you must park in the driveway, consider installing additional lighting such as a motion detector light; Get your catalytic converter etched so if it is stolen, it can be entered into shared law enforcement systems; Discuss options of securing your catalytic converter or installing a catalytic converter protection device with a trusted mechanic.

Aguilar reminds Citrus Heights residents if they see a suspicious person under a parked vehicle, please call CHPD immediately to report it.