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Citrus Heights Messenger

City Honors Military Families This November

Nov 04, 2021 12:00AM ● By Story by Shaunna Boyd

Citrus Heights Mayor Steve Miller Citrus Heights presents the November Proclamation to Honor Military Families to Suzanne Winters (center) as a representative of American Legion Auxiliary 383. Citrus Heights resident Elise Spleiss (right) helped organize the proclamation. Photo provided by the City of Citrus Heights.

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - The Citrus Heights City Council issued a proclamation recognizing November as National Military Family Appreciation Month. Mayor Steve Miller read the proclamation, stating that “the United States is a Beacon of hope, freedom, and opportunity to people around the world,” and those who “fight to defend our liberty embody courage, patriotism, and loyalty.”

Service members and the families who support them are “vital to the security and prosperity of our nation,” said Mayor Miller. “Military families exemplify the courage and resolve that define our national character.” These families make many sacrifices for their fellow Americans, and our Country has a responsibility to support and honor them, said Miller.

Citrus Heights resident Elise Spleiss helped organize the proclamation, and Suzanne Winters accepted the proclamation as a representative of American Legion Auxiliary 383. Winters thanked the Council, and said, “This proclamation acknowledges their sacrifice, it acknowledges and honors their service.”