Citrus Heights Broadcasts Its State of the City
Nov 04, 2021 12:00AM ● By City of Citrus Heights
Citrus Heights City Hall staff member Rachel Duhe gets some action in the broadcasting for the State of the City presentation. Photo: City of Citrus Heights
CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - The City of Citrus Heights is hosting its second annual State of the City Broadcast on November 8 at 6:30 p.m. Community members who want to watch live and participate in interactive polling are encouraged to register at
The broadcast will include an address from Mayor Steve Miller, including a month-by-month look at the year so far to highlight some of the community’s key accomplishments. Mayor Miller’s address will be complemented by a presentation from Interim City Manager Chris Boyd who is planning to give an update on the state of Economic Development and Public Safety in Citrus Heights.
The City also plans on debuting a few videos, including a spotlight on the new Chief of Police, Alex Turcotte, a video about a new community coalition called Connect Citrus Heights, and more.
“In some ways, it is hard to believe it’s already time to present the State of the City Broadcast,” said Citrus Heights Mayor Steve Miller. “Until you look back at the long list of everything already accomplished in 2021, it can feel like the year has flown by. I urge the community to take the time to tune in and hear about the important work being done to improve our City and meet a few of the staff members working behind the scenes.”
As mentioned, those interested can register to watch live, but the City will also have a recording running on Sac Metro Cable Channel 14 and share the broadcast on YouTube and social media. To learn more, visit