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Citrus Heights Messenger

Operation Holiday Cheer Gets a Big Thank you

Dec 23, 2021 12:00AM ● By By Elise Spleiss

Nearly 100 students and their families pose with the Sayonara distribution group including Mayor Middleton, Council Member Bruins, Chief Turcotte, Commander Russo, Commander Frey and multiple CHPD personnel. Photo: City of Citrus Heights

Operation Holiday Cheer Gets a Big Thank you [3 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - Thursday, December 16th, saw the culmination of the six-week Operation Holiday Cheer (OHC) program.  The day began as 32 adopted families (including more than 90 children) arrived at the Citrus Heights City Hall for the drive-up gift pick-up event. Citrus Heights police officers and staff worked furiously as car seats, trunks and even trucks were packed to the brim with wrapped toys and other presents chosen for them from their own wish list. For many children these gifts may be the only gifts they receive at Christmas.

All donated toys, blankets, food, clothing and gift cards were made possible by the generosity of many donors /adopters, including local businesses, service organizations, churches, volunteers, and community members. 

“Shop with a Cop” joined the OHC program this year. Thirty-seven kids were selected and each received gift cards, and backpacks filled with toys, a bicycle helmet, and a Christmas stocking, all provided by the Rotary Club of Citrus Heights and Stone’s Gambling Hall.

It was also the afternoon of the traditional Sayonara Drive Citrus Heights Police Department (CHDP) Wave Parade. At about 3 p.m. streets surrounding the Sayonara Center were blocked as the police caravan arrived with sirens blaring and lights flashing. It was quite a sight as excited children and their families and Center staff formed a welcoming committee. They took videos and held up signs as more than a dozen police vehicles including the CHPD command post and marked and unmarked police vehicles passed by. The vehicles then lined the street in front of the Sayonara Center and beyond. It was controlled chaos as over 100 toys and stuffed animals were distributed to all the kids who attended the parade.

Police Chief Alex Turcotte, Commander Jason Russo and Commander Chris Frey joined other CHDP officers and staff, hugging happy children and handing out gifts.  Mayor Porsche Middleton and councilmember Jeannie Bruins met parents and mingled with the delighted young ones. Sayonara Center Director Julie Habeeb and her staff helped with the event. Larissa Aguilar, CHPD Public Information Officer said they all received “a ton of gifts.”.

Operation Holiday Cheer (formerly Holiday Referral Program) has grown rapidly since the police department became responsible for its organization and supervision in 2008. It now runs like a well-oiled machine. According to Aguilar, this year, as with each year, has been bigger than ever with the ever-growing list of those who have stepped forward to help others. Besides the businesses, nonprofits and community members, she asked that special thanks go to the partners who have worked so hard this year including the CHPD, CH Police Activities League, CH Chamber of Commerce, CH Collaborative, Sunrise Marketplace, Sunrise Mall, City of Citrus Heights and its many departments, and all these people coming together that makes it happen each year.” Service organizations that gave many volunteer hours and other donations are the City’s Kiwanis Club, Rotary Club, GFWC Women’s Club, and Soroptimist Club.

To view a high energy 4.25-minute video of how these three events were put together and carried out, go to any of the CHPD media channels on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.