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Citrus Heights Messenger

Open Enrollment Period for 2022-2023 through Jan. 21

Jan 17, 2022 12:00AM ● By SJUSD Press Release

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - San Juan Unified’s open enrollment period began on Monday, Dec. 6 and ends at 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 21. During this time, parents/guardians can submit an application to have their student attend a school other than his or her neighborhood school as long as there is space available, and they are willing to provide transportation for their student. Because open enrollment is a computer-generated lottery and not approved on a first-come, first-served basis, parents/guardians can submit an application at any time during the open enrollment period. 

Applications are available online and at the San Juan Central office, located at 3700 Garfield Ave. in Carmichael.

For more information, please visit or call (916) SAN-JUAN, or (916) 726-5826.