Car Chase on I-80 ends in Citrus Heights
May 18, 2022 12:00AM ● By By Patrick LarenasCITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) – According to local news outlets, on May 2, 2022, a man was arrested in Citrus Heights after leading law enforcement on a car chase on I-80.
The approximately 13-mile chase began in Placer County after sheriff’s deputies attempted to stop 45-year-old Mark Venegas in Penryn, Calif. Venegas evaded law enforcement as he drove southwest making his way into Sacramento County.
With the help of air support, deputies finally caught up to Venegas after he stopped and exited the vehicle. The suspect struggled with peace officers upon being arrested.
Deputies searched the vehicle and found what appeared to be cocaine and an open beer can. He was charged with evading a peace officer, possession of a controlled substance, as well as an out-of-county warrant.