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Citrus Heights Messenger

Council to Review Protections during School Shootings in an upcoming Meeting

Jun 10, 2022 12:00AM ● By Story by Shaunna Boyd

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - After the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas—and far too many of such tragic events at other schools in recent years—school safety is a top concern for many citizens. At the May 26 Citrus Heights City Council meeting, Councilmember Bret Daniels said, “We saw what happened in Texas,” and asked the Council to support the formation of a committee that “examines the safety and security of schools in the Citrus Heights area and makes any recommendations for enhancements.”

While Councilmember Daniels said he doesn’t have any specific safety concerns about local schools, he made it clear that ensuring the safety of Citrus Heights students must be a priority: “I just want to see if we can make things even better in Citrus Heights.”

The security of the schools is the responsibility of the San Juan Unified School District, so Councilmember Daniels wants the Council to work together with the District to review existing security measures. “It’s a good opportunity to come forward and see if we can find a way to do things better for our kids in Citrus Heights.” He said the committee might find that no changes are needed, or it “might also just open some eyes about something we could do better.”

Councilmember Daniels asked that the Council move quickly on this idea over the summer so that any recommendations could be implemented before the next school year.

Councilmember Steve Miller said, “You can’t be too prepared. … They’re our kids and we need to protect them.”

With overwhelming support from the Council, this issue will be presented as an action item on an upcoming agenda.