Benefactor Leaves Legacy for Homeless in Citrus Heights
Jun 27, 2022 12:00AM ● By By Elise Spleiss
Irene Hronicek, Joan Williams and "Snack Man" Alfred Sanchez pose for a photo. Photo by Elise Spleiss
CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - When the lifelong wish of a man to help the homeless after he is gone, and the needs of a city working to better the lives of its homeless community come together, everyone wins.
Art Howard, who passed away on June 15, 2021, was the man with the lifelong wish to help those less fortunate. Three Citrus Heights homeless programs fit the criteria set by the family to receive the funds.
On the first day of summer, representatives from the programs met at the nature preserve along Arcade Creek in Citrus Heights where a meal is provided by Grace House Ministries every Tuesday afternoon for local unhoused residents.
On the afternoon of June 21, with temperatures over 100 degrees, Howard’s longtime friend and Citrus Heights resident Joan Williams was present as this meal provided the backdrop for the presentation. While Grace House served its clients pulled pork sliders and a crisp green salad, representative from the Citrus Heights HART team gratefully accepted the generous donations from the family of Art Howard.
“It was Art’s lifelong wish to help the homeless and it is with great pleasure we donate these funds, raised in his memory, to three programs that work directly with the homeless,” said the family on a flyer given out at the presentation.
Criteria for the funds was that the program be a non-profit with 100% of their donation going directly to the cause, no expenses or salaries.
Irene Hronicek, Board Chair of the Citrus Heights Homeless Assistance Resource Team (HART), received a $600 cashier’s check. HART sponsors the city’s Winter Sanctuary program which offers a hot meal, warm bed and a brown bag lunch the next day to the homeless for several weeks during the cold winter months.
Besides distributing snacks and survival staples to “customers” living in his section on Greenback Lane, “Snack Man” Alfred Sanchez is a strong advocate for the rights of the homeless. His $500 Grocery Outlet gift card has already allowed him to purchase 63 pounds (21 bags) of candy for those he visits daily with food, clothing, personal items and other items he receives as donations or pays for himself. When finding something he knows his clients will love, he has been known to purchase the whole display.
A third member of the HART team, Gabriella Yost, could not attend the presentation. Yost is a full time Citrus Heights Police Department Homeless Navigator working under Sacramento Self-Help Housing. She later received a $500 Visa gift card from Williams which she will use for her clients as she helps them navigate through the system to avoid homelessness or get back into housing and the workplace.
New to the team is Yvette Horst, a part time navigator, hired in March to help Yost with her caseload.
“We are so thankful to be thought of and know the assistance will help us continue our work with our unhoused neighbors,” Yost said via email.