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Citrus Heights Messenger

CHPD Seizes Illegal Fireworks over 4th of July Weekend

Jul 12, 2022 12:00AM ● By By Patrick Larenas

CHPD image of illegal fireworks seized during the July 4 weekend. Photo courtesy of CHPD

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - The Citrus Heights Police Department was busy during the holiday weekend as it responded to resident reports of illegal firework activities.

With well over 500 online firework reports, the department was pleased that dispatch was not overwhelmed with extra calls. CHPD’s education campaign directing residents to report illegal fireworks to #illegal fireworks at #Citrus Heights allowed dispatch to focus better on emergency calls.

Approximately 216 lbs. of illegal fireworks were seized as a result of the enforcement initiative taken by residents.

Department personnel reported in their social media page, “In addition to our CHPD officers conducting fireworks enforcement and education, [we] responded to several traffic collisions, arrested 5 people for DUI… [and] located 3 at-risk missing people.”

The department expressed appreciation for the help it received from the community to help keep neighborhoods safe.