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Citrus Heights Messenger

Councilmember Steve Miller to Run for SJUSD Board

Jul 28, 2022 12:00AM ● By SJUSD Board News Release

Steve Miller, Citrus Heights Councilmember

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - On July 23, 2022, Council Member Steve Miller officially announced he would seek the open seat on the San Juan Unified School District Board to represent Citrus Heights.

This means he will not seek another term this November for the Citrus Heights City Council.  Miller was appointed to the council in 2005 and afterwards, elected to four consecutive terms on the council.

Miller has served as Citrus Heights Mayor for four years during his tenure on the council and is currently Board Chair for the Sacramento Regional Transit District.

“It has been a pleasure and blessing serving on our city council for the past 17 years and I am proud of everything we have accomplished. From forming our own police department to building our Community Center and new City Hall,” said Council Member Miller. “After 25-years, Citrus Heights is receiving our property taxes and I am comfortable stepping down knowing our finances are solid, the Sunrise Mall redevelopment plan is in place, and our city is moving forward under the leadership of our new City Manager, Ash Feeney.”

“I realized during my council tenure one of our most important community assets are our children. They are our future, and we must ensure they get the best education possible and are safe while on our campuses.” Miller continued, “I want to make Citrus Heights schools the number one choice for our parents and students, my experience at the city will help with this.”

San Juan Unified School District is transitioning from five board members elected at-large to seven trustee areas. The new Trustee Area 7 encompasses almost all of Citrus Heights and this is the seat Miller is seeking.

Citrus Heights is transitioning from council members elected at-large to elections by five-districts. Miller lives in council District 4 and residents from this district will vote this November to fill this seat for the next four years.