Former Birdcage Starbucks Seeks New Tenant
Aug 11, 2022 12:00AM ● By Story and photo by Thomas J. Sullivan
Starbucks thanks its patrons for their support of the coffee shop which was located at 6121 Sunrise Boulevard in Citrus Heights.
CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - The site of a former popular Starbucks coffee shop at 6121 Sunrise Boulevard in Citrus Heights between Barnes & Noble Booksellers and Noodles and Company remains vacant, as the Gerrity Group, LLC, an asset management group in Solano Beach which manages the plaza seeks a new tenant.
Starbucks abruptly closed on October 3, 2021, where a notice posted by district manager Jackie Paduveris thanking past customers remains posted on its front door.
In a 2021 interview, Paduveris said that the store’s closure in Birdcage was related to “its business model.” Calls to both Starbucks corporate public relations team and to Paduveris were not returned.
News of the closure in 2021 came as a surprise to The Gerrity Group, in an earlier press account.
“It was a surprise to learn of the tenant’s intent to close the business as of October 3, 2021, particularly because the store appeared to perform well, and there is considerable amount of term remaining on the lease,” said Colby Young, Gerrity Group vice president. Starbucks had been a tenant in Marketplace-Birdcage in Citrus Heights for 24 years.
Does Starbucks still have an option to return and reopen?
“Starbucks has the right to operate for the remainder of their lease term,” Young said.
Young said The Gerrity Group is actively searching for businesses to add to the diverse mix of restaurants, goods, and services which Marketplace at Birdcage offers.
“I think a coffee shop or restaurant would be a great use for this space,” he said.
Young said the Gerrity Group is “engaging and pursuing potential new tenants for this space and others daily. The opportunity to lease space at Birdcage fronting Sunrise Boulevard has drawn strong interest.”
“The Gerrity team continues to work with interested businesses to ensure we provide the best shopping experience for our Citrus Heights community. I encourage anyone interested in opening their business at Birdcage to contact Chris Campbell with CBRE at (916) 446-6800,” Young said.
Today, a black floor-to-ceiling metal mesh fence and curtain separates the closed Starbucks from the Barnes & Noble bookstore.
“When asked to show the former Starbucks, we can do so by appointment,” said Sophia Garman, store manager for Barnes & Noble which adjoins the former coffee shop.
Garman said she has shown it to interested parties on behalf of the Gerrity Group from as far south as San Francisco. She remains optimistic that a new tenant will be found soon.
“Our customers periodically ask us whether we’ve heard any news whether or not Starbucks will return, or if another business may move in,” she said.
“There’s not much I can tell them or the general public at this time,” Garman said. “I’m still hopeful the space won’t be vacant too much longer before the upcoming holiday season.”