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Citrus Heights Messenger

Subject in Window Smash Series Investigation Arrested

Sep 30, 2022 12:00AM ● By By Commander Jason Russo, CHPD News Release

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - Over the past several months, the Sacramento region experienced a series of window smash vandalism crimes targeting local businesses."¯ Detectives from multiple jurisdictions coordinated efforts to collect evidence, develop leads, and identify motives and witnesses to these crimes. The investigation revealed multiple victims and included multiple county jurisdictions linked to the potential series of vandalisms.  

Many of the business victims suffered extensive losses totaling thousands of dollars to repair their large glass windows. "¯It is estimated that the total loss to the collective businesses exceeds $500,000. A few businesses suffered losses on multiple occasions."¯ In Citrus Heights, a pizza restaurant at 7700 Sunrise Blvd and a noodle restaurant at 5400 Sunrise Blvd. were targeted on two separate occasions.  

On September 29, 2022, Detectives from the Citrus Heights and the Sacramento Police Department served simultaneous search warrants at a residence and a business location of a person of interest in this felony vandalism series of crimes."¯ During the service of the search warrant, Philip Archuleta, a 30-year-old male of Roseville, was arrested for unrelated crimes including possession of a stolen assault weapon, and child endangerment.

The investigation is ongoing, and we anticipate additional charges related to the vandalism series in the near future. Archuleta was running the business of “Brothers Doors and Glass” without a contractor’s license. Throughout this investigation we determined this not to be a hate related crime. 

We would like to thank the Sacramento Police Department Detectives for their collaboration with the investigation of these crimes, and we would like to thank our businesses and our community partners for their patience and cooperation while we worked to identify those responsible for the damage caused to the various businesses in the region. 

Without the collaborative efforts of our Detectives, and the Sacramento Detectives, and the use of advance investigative technology, this case would likely not have been solved.