Home for a Soldier
Oct 19, 2022 12:00AM ● By By Viv Palmer
Photo courtesy of Viv Palmer
On Tuesday, October 11, a 7’ decorative wooden soldier found a good home at the Veterans Community Center at 6921 Sylvan Road, Citrus Heights. The center provides numerous services for veterans of all branches of the military and does so with donations and fundraising activities supported by the community. The soldier, which was created by Sue Quackenbush of “Suzie Q Wood Crafts,” is a gift to the center by Viv and John Palmer (right) who hope it will be enjoyed by attendees of the center—both for holidays and other special events. Founder Jeanne Rounsavell (left) even promises save storage if needed. Not all soldiers may be fortunate enough to find a home as welcoming as the VCC, but the Palmers know this one has marched to a good home.