Cogir Senior Living Honors Their Veterans
Nov 17, 2022 12:00AM ● By Story and photos by Paul V. Scholl
(From left to right) Dale Masters, Community Relations Director and U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman Petty Officer 2nd Class; Norm Royce, Cogir Veteran Ambassador, U.S. Navy AEC, Chief Petty Officer; Suzanne Royce, and Ricky David, Jr., Executive Director at Cogir Citrus Heights.
CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) – Every Veterans Day is special when we all stop to celebrate and honor all those who have served our great country through their military service. This year, on November 11th Cogir Senior Living of Citrus Heights held a special program for the twenty-four veterans who live at their facility and their visiting families.
Norm Royce, U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer, retired in 1966 after serving in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. He serves as the ambassador at Cogir to the many veteran residents. The program was organized by his lovely wife Suzanne, who also served many years with the Citrus Heights Lions Club.
The program included the presentation of the flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, and singing of the Star-Spangled Banner. A roll call of the resident veterans was announced, and the program continued by recognizing the oldest to the youngest of the attending veterans.
The sacred ceremony ended with the retiring of the flag and everyone joining in and singing God Bless America.
First Call Hospice participated in the program by including a certificate of appreciation, a pinning ceremony and each Veteran received a handmade blanket with their Service Emblem.
It is through these simple yet time-honored ceremonies that all of us non-veterans show our love and support to those who braved difficulties we will never really know to provide us the freedoms we should all hold dear.
Thank you Cogir for your special event. We should all thank a veteran every day.