Magical Moments Kicks off Holiday Season at Sunrise Mall
Nov 30, 2022 12:00AM ● By Story and photos by Thomas J. Sullivan
The Grinch never misses a holiday season""not even one!
CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - Sunrise Marketplace brought back its popular Magical Moments holiday laser light show, Friday, Nov. 19th at Sunrise Mall after a pandemic absence, kicking off the holiday season with a dazzling splash of color and sound.
Families and young children didn’t seem to mind the evening chill as a large crowd gathered to watch any one of three shows which were featured.
The popular event was moved by Sunrise Marketplace from the Lowe’s parking lot across Sunrise Boulevard to a new location in a fenced off area behind the Macy’s men’s store.
Little kids were everywhere, some waiting turns to enjoy the bounce houses, or to pose with their favorite inflatable cartoon characters on display which included Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Classic cars and trucks, adorned with brightly colored holiday lights and candy canes, were also on display. Some which were inspired by characters in the popular Disney movie “Cars” were star attractions. And even the Grinch took time to make an appearance, happily posing for photos.