Sunrise Christian Food Ministry Director Retires after 13 Years
Nov 30, 2022 12:00AM ● By Story by Elise Spleiss
New staff at Sunrise Christian Food Ministry pictured with retired directors, Jeff Hansen, Transportation Coordinator; Jake Chow, Supervisor; Rocky Peterson, retired; April Jacek, Director of Operations; Pam Chatham, retired, Angelica Managbay, Assistant Director. Photo courtesy of Robert Perricone
CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - On November 10, recently retired Sunrise Christian Food Ministry (SCFM) President and Director of Operations Rocky Peterson received recognition from the Citrus Heights City Council for his hard work and dedication to our community since 2009.
While Peterson has been enjoying retirement with his wife Judy since August 31, the official announcement took place at the Citrus Heights City Council meeting on November 10, 2022. Councilman Steve Miller read the official proclamation to the audience of community members, supporters, family and friends.
Councilwoman Jeannie Bruins said, “It’s hard to imagine the SCFM without you.” To which someone quipped, “but they still have to eat.” All agreed!
Councilman Bret Daniels, estimated from a Power Point presentation that over Peterson’s 13 years, the ministry has provided 10 million pounds of food and 20 million meals to the residents from Citrus Heights and throughout the county.
At Peterson’s recognition, Rosie Cerna, Engagement Manager for the Food Bank of Sacramento County, from which many of the food staples are provided, spoke about how under his leadership, innovation and vision, she has seen it grow from a small food pantry 13 years ago, to “one of our top five of their 122 agencies that serve the public.”
She added, “the operation always amazes me, he set the bar for pantries to where it has not been before.” She added he has taught her compassion and how to see and treat others with dignity.
New Director of Operations April Jacek has worked with Peterson the last three 3 years. She also shared that she has learned much from working with him including “see[ing] our clients for who they are and not for what their needs are. No judgment. Just greet them with a smile.”
The next day at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon, the accolades and appreciation for Peterson continued as his staff and volunteers had the chance to thank Peterson for his steadfast dedication and devotion to the ministry that has helped to meet the needs of the food insecure. Words heard by many during their testimonies included, “dignity, integrity and compassion.
Originally known as “the little house on the hill” at Advent Lutheran Church, the Sunrise Christian Food Ministry (SCFM) on San Juan Avenue in Citrus Heights first began serving residents of Citrus Heights, Fair Oaks and Orangevale in 1982.
Peterson took over as Director of Operations near Thanksgiving in 2009. He said they had been serving 20-25 families per day. By 2016 that number was 50 families per day. By 2020 just as Covid-19 began they were serving 20,000 families a year.
Forty years since its inception the pantry has overcome a myriad of obstacles to become what it is today under the leadership of Rocky Peterson. Pre-Covid, Peterson and his team were serving 70 families daily, working with a single line walk up set up. With Covid forcing customers into their vehicles, they now serve up to 130 families daily, five days a week, with a drive-through model.
Despite the loss of many of their senior volunteers due to initial Covid regulations, SCFM was one of only 25 of the 250 Sacramento County food closets allowed to remain open. As these volunteers were the sustaining force behind the pantry’s growth, the younger professionals were left to pick up the pieces and carry on.
County food banks are back up to 100, but only four operate five days a week, thus the influx of new customers.
Before retirement Peterson left a plan to help the team continue their success. More improvements are in the works. Through a City Community Support Fund, the City provided a grant to the SCFM to assist in equipment replacement and improvement. Further updates are to come as SCFM will start to raise funds to build a new road, recently approved by the City, to help with traffic congestion and the growing need for food assistance in our community.
With the addition of 600 new families registering for services during the Thanksgiving distribution on December 17 and 18, along with over 2,000 meals served that week, SCFM workers are sure their numbers will continue to grow.
It is the general consensus that Peterson left the SCFM bigger and stronger after it survived Covid. Still, Jacek left a plea for churches and other organizations to consider sending teams back to volunteer as soon as they can.
For more information about volunteering or making a tax-deductible donation, please visit
Peterson’s award ceremony can be seen at the beginning of the November 11 city council meeting found on the City of Citrus Heights website.
Sources: History by Pat Johnson, April Jacek