Recovery Resources Available for Residents and Businesses Affected by Recent Storms
Feb 01, 2023 12:00AM ● By City of Citrus Heights Press ReleaseCITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - Are you a resident or business affected by recent storms? The US Small Business Administration is offering disaster assistance through low-interest loans to businesses, nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters in Sacramento County.
Homeowners, renters, and businesses repairing or replacing disaster-damaged real estate or property are eligible to receive home disaster or business physical disaster loans. Additionally, businesses and nonprofit organizations that cannot meet financial obligations due to the disaster could be eligible to receive Economic Injury Disaster Loans. For additional information on disaster assistance and to apply, visit or call SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 or email [email protected].
These programs are now available due to the Federal disaster declaration covering Sacramento County from the severe winter storms and flooding that began on December 27, 2022. In Citrus Heights, the City’s General Service Department received 633 calls during the first three weeks of January, with 75% attributed to storm activity. The highest frequency issues included downed trees and lines, street debris, and localized flooding in streets and drains. General Services staff and contractors worked around the clock to clean up, respond to issues, and support the continuity of power and communications networks. Citrus Heights’ creek system performed well during the storms. These positive results are thanks to the year-round proactive creek maintenance program for clearing blockages, debris, downed trees, and non-native vegetation. This program has helped minimize impacts on residents and our public infrastructure.