Sacramento County's Dr. Kasirye Receives Award
Feb 09, 2023 12:00AM ● By Sac County News Release
Dr. Olivia Kasirye
SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - Sacramento County Public Health Officer Dr. Olivia Kasirye received a community service award recognizing her leadership and work in the County. The Sacramento Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee presented the 2023 Robert T. Matsui Community Service Award to Dr. Kasirye in January. The committee wanted to recognize Dr. Kasirye for her work during difficult times, including the pandemic. Sacramento State President Dr. Robert S. Nelsen also received the award.
“Dr. Kasirye and Dr. Nelsen are extraordinary examples of two individuals who care and continue to give their all to make our region a better place for everyone. We are honored to publicly recognize and thank them for their work,” said Vince Miles, President of the MLK Committee.
The Sacramento MLK Celebration Committee honored Dr. Kasirye for her outstanding work during a celebration event on Saturday, January 28. It was the 24th annual MLK celebration event. The event brings community leaders together to remember the legacy of Dr. King.
Dr. Kasirye has over 30 years of experience working in health. She began working as the Sacramento County Public Health Officer in 2012. Since starting her role, Dr. Kasirye has shown she is a leader who is passionate about serving the County.