Water District Welcomes New Customer Advisory Committee
Nov 16, 2023 02:15PM ● By CHWD News ReleaseCITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - Citrus Heights Water District (CHWD) is
pleased to announce its Customer Advisory Committee’s (CAC) new residential members.
The district reviewed dozens of applications for thirteen (13) available
positions and selected customers from various backgrounds and neighborhoods
throughout CHWD’s service area.
CAC members will learn more about how water is provided in CHWD’s service area. They will also share input on a wide range of water district policy matters, projects, and initiatives. CHWD established the CAC in 2018. It has helped guide the agency through major decisions, including the District’s Project 2030—Water Main Replacement program.
“Our goal is to engage with our customers and help build future community leaders,” said Ray Riehle, CHWD Board President. “CHWD is committed to working with our customers, and the CAC is one of the many ways we do that. So many people were interested in this program that we’re planning other ways to keep our connection with those who want to be more involved.”
CHWD saw many of its past CAC members reapply for a new three-year term, and the District is pleased to welcome some new faces. CAC meetings will be open to the public. Five public agencies and three business organizations also have seats on the CAC – their representatives are Board or staff members.
Residential Members
Jodi Ash, Juan Barillas, Debora Garcia, Suzanne Guthrie, Janet Hogan, Andrew Johnson, Eric Lindberg, Jay Martinez, Krissi Miramontes, Jenna Moser, Michael Nishimura, Robin Rau, Nanette Wheeler-Carter
Residential Alternates
Julie Beyers, Paul Dietrich, Richard Moses, Alan Utzig
Institutional Members
San Juan Unified School District, Sunrise Parks and Rec District, Sylvan Cemetery District, City of Citrus Heights, Sacramento Metro Fire District
Business Members
Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce, Sunrise MarketPlace, Auburn Boulevard Business Association
For more information, visit the CHWD website at chwd.org/cac.
Citrus Heights Water District is a public agency that was established in 1920 and delivers water service to a 12.8 square mile service area, serving approximately 67,000 customers in Citrus Heights, Fair Oaks, Orangevale, Carmichael, and Roseville.