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Citrus Heights Messenger

Proponents Withdraw Referendum Challenging 2022 Fast-Food Worker Law

Jan 09, 2024 05:32PM ● By California Secretary of State Press Release

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D. announced today that a referendum eligible for the November 5, 2024, General Election ballot has been withdrawn by the proponents.

The Attorney General’s official title and summary of the referendum is as follows:

REFERENDUM CHALLENGING 2022 LAW AUTHORIZING CREATION OF COUNCIL TO SET MINIMUM WAGE AND WORKING STANDARDS FOR FAST-FOOD WORKERS. If the required number of registered voters sign this petition and it is timely filed, a 2022 law will not take effect unless approved at the next statewide general or special election after November 8, 2022. The challenged law:

-Authorizes creation of Fast Food Council (upon submission of 10,000 fast-food worker signatures) to set working standards and minimum wage (up to $22/hour in 2023, with capped annual increases) at fast-food restaurants with 100+ nationwide locations;

-Prohibits retaliation against fast-food workers for making certain workplace complaints.

Pursuant to Elections Code section 9604(b), proponents may withdraw a referendum at any time before the Secretary of State certifies it as qualified.

As a result of the withdrawal, certain provisions of Assembly Bill 1228 (Chapter 262, Statutes of 2023) become operative on January 1, 2024.