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Citrus Heights Messenger

New Boutique Thrift Store Opens its Doors in Citrus Heights

Jan 23, 2024 05:28PM ● By Tamara Warta, photo by Tamara Warta
Greenback Treasures store sign ready for its grand opening.

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - A new boutique-style thrift store is now open in Citrus Heights, and the merchandise inside tells the story of a resilient family that is ready to embrace the community surrounding its brick and mortar store.

Greenback Treasures is owned by Joe Lopez and his longtime partner, who together opened the doors of the shop for the first time on December 12. The theme of Greenback Treasures is upscale finds at reasonable prices, which is something they are maintaining well through various themed spaces throughout the store. Room spaces include home decor, memorabilia, a children's area, men's area, and even a wedding section. They hope to expand to further rooms, including a housewares and furniture section, and a holiday room with rotating items throughout the season.

"Each room has its own little experience," says Lopez. "My partner is a thrifter big time. She created this look."

Lopez's partner was a big motivation for opening the store. In 2013, she was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis and had a double lung transplant. She has since endured various other medical issues, including a heart attack. Lopez also lost his mother in January of 2023, who was also a collector.

"When my mom was still with us, we decided maybe we could have a store with all of this," said Lopez surrounded by the shop's items - many of which were owned by his late mother. A majority of the other items in the store have been stored by Lopez and his partner over the years. Upon first glance, Greenback Treasures looks like a thrift shop, but it also serves as a memorial to a loss and an important purpose for those still here and fighting for time.

"If we didn't have that situation honestly, we probably wouldn't be doing this. We're giving her a purpose rather than just staying home. We don't know how much time she has left. She keeps herself going through all the adversity. "

While Greenback Treasures just opened last month, the building is not unfamiliar to Lopez. The former owner of a construction company operated that business out of the same location. Through the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic climate that resulted from it, that business closed. But now Lopez is back, utilizing the space for an entirely different purpose.

"We're going to try to give it 6 months and see how we do," said Lopez when asked about how business is going. “We’re getting a lot of positive response from people. The Citrus Heights people who have come in are excited. They want us to make it. They keep telling us this is what we needed here."

With the closure of Thriftown several years back, Midway Antique Mall this month, and the Goodwill on Auburn Blvd also departing, Greenback Treasures is existing in a unique space of running a similar business model while its competitors fall away. To see if they can weather the storms many other second-hand retailers have faced is yet to be seen - but the future looks bright. The positive public response has come with some unique and valuable donations as well.

"They are bringing in really nice stuff to donate," said Lopez regarding how the community is supporting and catching the vision.

And the shop owners are here to catch the community right back. Lopez is navigating Greenback Treasures towards becoming a non-profit.  They have filed for 501(c)3 status and hope to benefit the surrounding region with the store's profits.

"We are leaning more towards homeless support. We believe that's what's needed - especially here in Citrus Heights," said Lopez.

Until the non-profit side of things is sorted, Lopez is already appreciating those who have become regular visitors. His eyes light up when he speaks of a wheelchair-bound customer that visits every other day and has an affinity for the shop's arts and crafts items.

"She has become a friend."

In looking around the store, it is clear that Greenback Treasures is not only an upscale thrift store - it's a place where people are treasured as well.

The shop is located at 7680 Greenback Lane in Citrus Heights. They are open Tuesday through Saturday, 10am-6pm. You can visit their Facebook page for more information.