Re-Imagine North Watt Project Receives Funding
Apr 17, 2024 10:19AM ● By Sacramento County News ReleaseSACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - The Sacramento Department of Transportation (SacDOT) is receiving a big boost in its efforts to re-imagine North Watt Avenue. The County is working to improve the safety and mobility needs of the residents, schools, students, commuters, visitors and other users of the North Watt Avenue Corridor.
SacDOT has embarked on an effort to give the residents in the North Watt a voice about how they want to improve their corridor. The vision of the re-imagined corridor improvements will balance mobility, safety, equity considerations and be developed in partnership with the public.
The project’s importance has caught the eye of the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), which has awarded the project $7.4 million dollars to help fund this effort. The allocated money is part of a $22.5 million grant to SACOG from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Reconnecting Communities Award.
The grant will pay for design work and potential right of way acquisition to keep the project moving forward.
Funding support for this project isn't just about infrastructure; it's an investment in our community's future. It offers a unique opportunity to create safer, more accessible, and sustainable transportation.
The goal of the plan is to re-imagine North Watt Avenue as a multimodal, sustainable and safe corridor so residents can conveniently access jobs, retail, schools, open spaces and homes while biking, walking, or riding transit.
To make this plan successful, the public is being asked to assist the County with this vision. You can go to to learn more about the project and leave comments. The project outreach staff can also meet with neighborhood and business groups to have vital conversations about how they would like to improve the corridor.