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Citrus Heights Messenger

$3 Million Approved for Neighborhood Improvement Projects

May 21, 2024 11:29AM ● By Sacramento County News Release

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - During the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget hearings, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors approved $3,000,000 in funding, budgeted in the Neighborhood Revitalization Fund, for a Neighborhood Improvement Initiative.

The Neighborhood Improvement Initiative aims to target the elimination of blight and enhance public spaces through investments in projects improving safety and livability in underserved areas of the county, with a specific focus on Environmental Justice communities, commercial corridors and areas adjacent to vacant or blighted properties.

“I am extremely proud of this investment,” said Third District Supervisor Rich Desmond. “The Neighborhood Improvement Initiative is funding projects that are really important to many of our communities and are crucial to their identity, pride and sense of place.”

Said County Board of Supervisors Chair and Second District Supervisor Patrick Kennedy, “This initiative really reflects our support of the diverse needs in the county. We're not just revitalizing spaces; we're improving safety, connections and dignity in our communities."

The County Board of Supervisors directed the Office of Economic Development to conduct extensive outreach to develop a comprehensive list of potential projects for the Neighborhood Improvement Initiative. During summer and fall 2023, the Office of Economic Development, with the supervisorial district offices and county Departments of Transportation and Community Development, met with community partners, residents and businesses through community meetings and online engagement to gather feedback and have the public suggest projects.

County staff evaluated project feasibility and community benefits within each supervisorial district for recommendations to receive Neighborhood Improvement Initiative funding. On May 7, the Board of Supervisors approved the allocation of all $3,000,000 for 12 projects, primarily within Environmental Justice communities, commercial corridors and/or areas adjacent to vacant or blighted properties located throughout each supervisorial district. A full report of the projects is available to view online at