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Citrus Heights Messenger

Four-Legged Seasonal Help Brought in To Fight Flooding

Jun 04, 2024 10:50AM ● By Sacramento County Department of Water Resources News Release

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - The Sacramento County Department of Water Resources (DWR) is continuing its annual eco-friendly program to combat overgrowth in detention basins to prevent the potential for flooding in the unincorporated parts of the County. Starting on May 21, Billy Goat Gruff and hundreds of his hungriest friends have started to converge on five separate locations over the next five weeks to help reduce the flood threat from overgrown grass and weeds. 

Most of the County’s flood prevention efforts occur during the spring and summer months before the rains fall again. Left unattended overgrowth could block water flow from heavy rains, resulting in street flooding. This is the twelfth year these contractors have been utilized as an effective force to ensure the creeks and detention basins are clear for the upcoming storm season. This year, 300 goats and sheep will be casually dining as they rotate through five different locations. 

The areas chosen for the contractor’s dining experience will include Arcade Creek at Evergreen Estates: Winding Way at Auburn Blvd – 4.4 Acres, Arcade Creek at Kenneth Avenue: N/O Burl Way – 3.4 Acres, Arcade Creek at White Fir Way: E/O Garfield Ave – 2 Acres, Ottoman Hills Detention Basin: Main Avenue at Wiltshire Way – .7 Acres, and Strawberry Creek at Calvine Road: East & West of Auberry Drive – 7.7 Acres.

Residents near the projects received postcards letting them know about the cost-effective approach to flood prevention work. An onsite herder and trained dogs accompany the dining party 24-hours a day to ensure they are cared for, kept on task, don’t wander off, and offer Thousand Island or Blue Cheese, if requested.