City Council Candidate Filing Appointments Available
Jul 09, 2024 01:54PM ● By City of Citrus Heights News ReleaseCITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - Are you interested in running for City Council?
The next General Municipal Election for the City of Citrus Heights will be held on Nov. 5 for two City Council seats, one seat in District 1 and the other seat in District 3.
Beginning July 15 through 5 p.m. Aug. 9, candidate nomination packets will be available for pick-up from the City Clerk.
All candidates are required to make an appointment with the City Clerk in order to receive the candidate nomination packet.
Visit to make an appointment with the City Clerk and review additional information about the candidate filing process.
For more information, email the City Clerk at [email protected] or call 916-725-2448.
Running for Office/Candidate Qualifications
If you are interested in running for public office in the City of Citrus Heights, you must meet the following requirements:
Must be at least 18 years old, a United States citizen, a California resident, and a registered voter in and a resident in the district in which you seek election at the time that the nomination papers are issued.
Interested in running for City Council but not sure what district you are in? Visit to locate your council district.