PAWS Mobile Clinic: Lifeline for Pets of Unhoused
Jul 31, 2024 11:33AM ● By Sacramento County News Release
Pet Aid & Wellness Services (PAWS) Mobile Clinic has made an effort to care for the pets of the unhoused. Photo courtesy of Sacramento County
SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - Sacramento County’s Bradshaw Animal Shelter and its dedicated team are making remarkable strides in improving the lives of pets and their unhoused owners. Through the innovative Pet Aid & Wellness Services (PAWS) Mobile Clinic, led by veterinarian Dr. Cynthia Metcalf, and an extensive network of community partners, they are providing much-needed veterinary care, resources and support to a vulnerable population that needs it most.
Recently, Pet Aid & Wellness Services received a generous $100,000 grant from UC Davis California for All Animals. This funding is specifically aimed at enhancing access to veterinary care for pets of the unhoused, covering critical resources that will significantly enhance the program's reach and services.
To ensure unhoused pet owners and their furry friends receive the care they deserve, a collaborative effort called the Compassionate Pet Care Alliance (CPCA) was created. Established in September 2023, the Compassionate Pet Care Alliance brings together various organizations working with the pets of the unhoused in Sacramento County. Members include PAWS (Bradshaw Animal Shelter), Front Street’s Homeless Outreach and Assistance Program (HOAP), Sacramento SPCA, Elica Health Services, Animals of the Homeless, Mercer Veterinary Clinic, 4R Friends and Street Dog Coalition. Meeting bi-monthly, these groups share resources, tackle challenges and support each other's missions. The collaboration has been invaluable, leveraging each organization’s unique strengths.

Their efforts not only save lives but also foster a sense of compassion and unity within Sacramento County. Photo courtesy of Sacramento County
With summer in full swing, Pet Aid & Wellness Services, along with the Homeless Outreach and Assistance Program and Sacramento SPCA, has shifted its focus to spay/neuter services to address the surge in puppy and kitten populations. “PAWS has a waitlist for these procedures and is fully booked for July underscoring the high demand for these critical services,” said Dr. Metcalf.
“A touching example of PAWS' impact is the story of Bellamy, a six-year-old neutered male cat suffering from severe oral pain due to stomatitis,” explained Dr. Metcalf. Initially treated with pain management and antibiotics by Pet Aid & Wellness Services, Bellamy was later referred to Mercy Pet Hospital for a full mouth extraction thanks to the Cal 4 Animals Grant. Today, Bellamy is thriving, much to the relief and gratitude of his owner, Elizabeth Osgood.
“Bellamy came to be with me two and a half years ago after being taken to the shelter (Happy Tails) as a kitten where he spent the next three and a half years before I met him,” said Bellamy’s owner Elizabeth. “We connected right away. Though he was really shy for a long time, we've become very close. His favorite things are kisses and walks in nature at sunrise, and he's such an amazing friend who brings me so much comfort and strength.”
Elizabeth, who has been unhoused for more than a year, shared how Pet Aid & Wellness Services has been a lifeline for her and Bellamy. Despite her challenges, she continues to support herself by teaching online English lessons and remains devoted to Bellamy, her loyal companion.
Pet Aid & Wellness Services' success and success stories like Bellamy’s wouldn’t be possible without partners like California for All Animals and Mercy Pet Hospital. These collaborations have been pivotal in extending the clinic’s reach and effectiveness.

The Pet Aid & Wellness Services Mobile Clinic is a full-service veterinary clinic on wheels. Photo courtesy of Sacramento County
In partnership with the Department of Homeless Services and Housing, Pet Aid & Wellness Services also distributes water to the unhoused and their pets, ensuring hydration and well-being during Sacramento’s hot summer months. Water for pet owners is available at all Pet Aid & Wellness Services mobile events. This initiative will continue throughout the next year.
The Bradshaw Animal Shelter and the Pet Aid & Wellness Services team continue to inspire and uplift the community through their unwavering dedication to animal welfare and support for the unhoused. Their efforts not only save lives but also foster a sense of compassion and unity within Sacramento County.
The Pet Aid & Wellness Services Mobile Clinic is a full-service veterinary clinic on wheels, serving the pets of unhoused owners across Sacramento County. The clinic offers spay/neuter services, medical treatments, vaccinations, microchipping and pet supplies. For more information and a calendar of upcoming clinics and locations, visit the Pet Aid & Wellness Services Mobile Clinic website or call (916) 876-5215.