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Citrus Heights Messenger

Celtic Cross Church Welcomes a New Pastor

Dec 24, 2024 09:07AM ● By Thomas J. Sullivan

Pastor Sam and Pastor Bob Yule pose together in the sanctuary at Celtic Cross. Photo by Thomas J. Sullivan

CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - Yule be Missed. And there’s no doubt that he will. 

Celtic Cross Presbyterian Church celebrated the 28 years of service of retiring pastor Bob Yule with a farewell potluck on Nov. 16, recognizing that his ministry accounts for almost one third of the church’s overall history in Citrus Heights.

Celtic Cross was organized as a Presbyterian church on Feb. 25, 1962, within the bounds of the Presbytery of Sacramento, and celebrated its 60th anniversary in Citrus Heights last November.

The church has since welcomed a new pastor, Rev. Dr. Sam Sungsoo Jun, (who prefers to be called Pastor Sam) who will now carry the church forward in faith and service to the community.

Yule and his wife, Patty, and their son, Josh, will continue to make their home in Fair Oaks. Looking back, Yule describes the 28 years as Celtic Cross Church pastor as being especially fulfilling for he and his family.

“I credit the people of Celtic Cross with incredible resilience. That is a long time to listen to anyone,” said Yule, smiling during a recent interview.

“Our goal at Celtic Cross is to be a church that raises up entire families in discipleship and empowers people to be messengers of Christ in their community,” Yule said.

Celtic Cross is a “continually growing community of people committed to following Jesus Christ,” Yule said.

“When Patty and I arrived (at Celtic Cross) in late 1996, we were warmly welcomed,” he said. “This community (Celtic Cross) has become my home, not only because it is the longest time I have ever lived anywhere but especially because of the encouragement and support we have both experienced here.”

Yule had kind words about Pastor Sam.

“Pastor Sam will bring the same great energy, creativity and a Christ-like love to Celtic Cross which he has demonstrated in his past ministry experience,” Yule said. “I am glad to hand over the baton of leadership to you, Pastor Sam, and I am praying that God provides with wisdom and direction as you lead the people of God for years to come.”

Pastor Sam was previously senior pastor at the Northern Lakes Community Church in Traverse City, Michigan since 2019. He’s now taking time to settle in before relocating his family from Michigan to a new home here.

The new pastor of Celtic Cross is the son of a pastor and has been married to his wife, Annie, for 26 years. He’s the father of two college-aged daughters, Hannah and Amy, who are attending interstate collegiate rivals, the University of Michigan and Michigan State University.

Pastor Bob Yule and his wife, Patty, pose together at the farewell potluck. Photo by Thomas J. Sullivan

Pastor Sam provided a guest sermon on Sunday, Sept. 29 at the 10 a.m. combined service at Celtic Cross and was then approved by vote at a congregational meeting that followed.

Born in Korea, Pastor Sam has six sisters and is the only son. His father pastored a large Presbyterian Church in Inchon, Korea for 42 years. Pastor Sam arrived in the United States to attend college in 1991.

“My father’s pastoral visits were the most important times for guiding people to faith,” he said. “It’s in a ‘ministry of presence’ where God is met and encountered in a very real way, that God’s love and grace can fully be felt and experienced.”

“Today, I still draw and practice his ministry of presence in my own ministry settings,” Pastor Sam said.

Pastor Sam said he looks forward to the congregation of Celtic Cross getting to know a little more about him. He once considered pursuing a much different career than the ministry during his high school and college years. He moved to the United States in 1991.

“For my first three years in high school in South Korea, I was dreaming about becoming an opera singer, as I took some vocal trainings and also led men’s quartet and choir in my high school,” he said.

“In my senior year in high school, I then dreamt about being a language (English) professor but ended up with going to college to become a religion professor,” he said. “Then, after the first year in college, I was given an opportunity to study abroad in the United States to further my study in religion and liberal arts in Texas. While studying at the University of Texas at Austin, my religion, music and Greek professors all encouraged me to go to seminary to have an in-depth study about Christianity.”

Pastor Sam earned his master’s in divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey, and his Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. He most recently served as associate pastor at Pines Presbyterian Church in Houston, Texas, where he focused on Youth and Family, Congregational Care, and Mission. Prior to that, he was a Lilly Resident in Pastoral Ministry at the First Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

“I’m also a musician (a trained tenor), and sometimes I sing while playing piano but these days, I enjoy much more listening to all kinds of music from classical opera to contemporary Christian jazz and much more watching plays and musical performances in theaters,” he said.

Pastor Bob Yule delivers his Sunday message at his final service at Celtic Cross. Photo by Thomas J. Sullivan

Pastor Bob Yule intends to keep busy in his spiritual life and wherever his retirement might lead him.

“There’s a need for part-time transitional pastors in our region and in early 2025, I will preach a few times a month at the Auburn Presbyterian Church,” Yule said. 

“The church is looking to call a new pastor in the next year.  I believe I can help the congregation get prepared for the future,” Yule said. “I’m also looking forward to having a few more days off to ride my bike on the American River Parkway and have more time to enjoy with my wife, Patty.”

Celtic Cross Presbyterian Church is located at 5839 Dewey Drive in Citrus Heights. In- person and online services are available every Sunday. For more information, visit online call 916-967-1414.